Why push notification is blocked by LambdaTest?

Why push notification is blocked by LambdaTest?

Hi Michael,

Your push notification is not blocked and also, and I would like to share that as of now, push notifications are supported on Android and iOS devices (Real devices).

Hey I just signed up for a years contract. Do I get it right that push notifications are NOT working on virtual devices and that I will not be able to test those with my freelancer plan?

Hi @henning.jaeger

Regarding Push Notification in iOS, this won’t work for developer-signed builds however, it works with Testflight builds and Appstore builds only. And with enterprise build, there will be an extra step to Trust the enterprise account in the settings and then enable the iOS entitlement.

Reference links:

iOS Entitlements: https://www.lambdatest.com/support/docs/ios-entitlements/

Push Notification should be working fine (App Notifications) in case of Android devices with the app. On Real devices, this is supported. You can pass a capability to disable it via automation. “disableNotifications”: true On emulators and simulators, it’s not yet supported.