Why are all my WebdriverIO test failing on the platform?

I am using WebdriverIO and all of my tests are getting failed on the platform. They run smoothly when executing on local. Please help me fix this.

exports.config = {
  user: '*****',
  key: '*******',
  path: '/wd/hub',
  hostname: 'hub.lambdatest.com',
  port: 80,
  specs: ['e2e/specs/**/*.js'],
  specFileRetries: 0,
  maxInstances: 10,
  commonCapabilities: {
    build: 'Test',
    name: 'Demo Tests',
    video: true,
    network: false,
    console: false,
    visual: false,
    tunnel: true
  capabilities: [
      browserName: 'chrome',
      version: '86.0',
      platform: 'Windows 10'
  waitforTimeout: 1000,

Hi Miro,

There would be a diference in execution time when executing the tests from local to LambdaTest. If compared one to one, there can be a difference of 2x-2.5x due to network hops. I can see that you are using tunnel as well.

The Default timeout set in the config is set to 1000ms. This would work as expected for local, however for cloud execution, you could try increasing the value to a higer value probably 10000 and give it a try.