Why am I getting the error "Cypress could not verify that the server set as your 'baseUrl' is running" when running my Cypress tests?

Why am I getting the error “Cypress could not verify that the server set as your ‘baseUrl’ is running” when running my Cypress tests?

Hi Ariyas,

Here is a possible reason why you might be getting the error “Cypress could not verify that the server set as your ‘baseUrl’ is running” when running your Cypress tests:

Incorrect baseUrl: Ensure that the baseUrl configured in your Cypress configuration file (cypress.json) is correct and points to a valid server URL. Check for any typos or formatting errors in the baseUrl.

Solution: Double-check the baseUrl configuration in your cypress.json file and ensure that it is correctly set to your server’s URL, including the protocol (e.g., http://localhost:3000).

Hi Ariyas

For Answer to your query :-

The other possible reasons why you might be getting the error “Cypress could not verify that the server set as your ‘baseUrl’ is running” when running your Cypress tests, along with solutions:

Server not running: The error could indicate that the server specified in the baseUrl is not running or is not accessible. Cypress needs the server to be running to make requests during the test.

Solution: Start the server that corresponds to the baseUrl before running your Cypress tests. Verify that the server is running and accessible at the specified URL.