Where can I find the list of Appium versions supported?

Where can I find the list of Appium versions supported? I’ve done a lot of google but can’t seem to find it

Hi Miro,

We currently support the below Appium versions.

iOS - Appium 2.0 Latest [ Which is by default for all automation, it can be 1.21.1, 1.22.3 depending on the higher iOS Version on the machine ]

For Android you can follow the list given below:

  • 1.13.0
  • 1.14.0
  • 1.14.2
  • 1.15.0
  • 1.15.1
  • 1.16.0
  • 1.17.0
  • 1.17.1
  • 1.18.0
  • 1.18.3
  • 1.19.1
  • 1.20.0
  • 1.20.1
  • 1.21.0
  • 1.22.0
  • 1.22.3
  • 2.0