I want to know What would happen if you are not using the automation framework. Please someone help me out.
Well, you can still Automate the tests without using the framework, but in the long run, when you automate more scripts, maintenance will become a costly and time-consuming task thus rendering your script non-usable or upgradable easily. The framework is nothing but the set of guidelines or protocols to follow. Each framework has its own benefits. and by using the framework we make our automation life easy and don’t have to reinvent the things. The most common Benefits of using frameworks are:
- Reusability of code
- Low-cost maintenance In this way, one can ensure that they are testing on the right devices. If you are looking for real devices in real network conditions, then you should leverage QAppAssure for testing your product. QAppAssure also provides a plethora of on-cloud devices to test your products.