What is the utility of typescript optional properties? I’m new to TypeScript and would like to understand the difference between the following declarations:
a?: number;
a: number | undefined;
How do they behave differently in TypeScript?
What is the utility of typescript optional properties? I’m new to TypeScript and would like to understand the difference between the following declarations:
a?: number;
a: number | undefined;
How do they behave differently in TypeScript?
I would love to help you here mate.
Using a?:
number; for Optional Property in TypeScript:
In TypeScript, when you declare a property as a?: number;, it signifies that the property is optional. This means the property can either have a number value or be completely absent (i.e., undefined). The property is not required when creating an object, and the TypeScript compiler does not enforce its presence. Example:
interface MyObject {
a?: number; // optional property
const obj: MyObject = {};
// No error, a is optional
Using a: number | undefined; for Explicitly Undefined Property in TypeScript: The declaration a: number | undefined; means that the property a must always be present, but its value can either be a number or explicitly undefined.
his is different from a?: number;, as the property must always be defined, even if it’s set to undefined. Example:
interface MyObject {
a: number | undefined; // required property that can be undefined
const obj: MyObject = { a: undefined }; // No error, but a cannot be omitted
Just to give you clarity on when to use what and which
When to Use a?: number; vs a: number | undefined;:
If you want to indicate that a property is completely optional and may be missing from an object, use a?:
number;. If you want to ensure the property always exists but it can explicitly be undefined, use a:
number | undefined;.
The key difference is that the a?:
number allows the property to be omitted entirely, while the a:
number | undefined ensures the property is always present but can be set to undefined. Example:
interface MyObject {
a?: number; // a is optional
b: number | undefined; // b is required but can be undefined
const obj1: MyObject = {}; // Valid for a but not for b
const obj2: MyObject = { b: undefined }; // Valid, b is required but undefined