What is the reason behind being able to use the column name directly in Laravel's Eloquent?

What is the reason behind being able to use the column name directly in Laravel’s Eloquent where a statement like this:

$user = User::whereConfirmationCode($confirmation_code)->first();

Is it always possible to append the column name in this shorthand manner in Laravel Eloquent where, or is there a specific reason for this approach compared to the more explicit version like:

$user = User::where('confirmation_code', '=', $confirmation_code)->first();

The shorthand method you’re seeing in Laravel Eloquent where is actually a dynamic scope method. Laravel allows you to call where followed by a column name in camel case, so:


is equivalent to:

User::where('confirmation_code', '=', $confirmation_code)->first();

Laravel automatically converts whereConfirmationCode into where(‘confirmation_code’, …) by recognizing the column name in the method call."

That’s absolutely right! But it’s good to note that this shorthand only works for singular where conditions and follows Laravel’s naming conventions.

For example, if your column name has underscores, you’ll need to use camel case in the method call:

whereUserId() -> where('user_id', ...)

However, this shorthand won’t work for more complex queries, such as multiple conditions:

User::whereNameAndEmail($name, $email) // ❌ This won’t work

For those cases, you’ll still need to use the traditional where() method with multiple conditions."

Both of you make great points! While this shorthand can make your queries more concise, some developers prefer using where(‘column’, …) for better readability, especially for teams that might not be familiar with Laravel’s dynamic query methods.

Also, if you’re working on an API or a project with strict naming conventions, sticking with where(‘column’, …) can make the query more explicit and avoid confusion.

That said, Laravel’s dynamic methods are powerful and useful when used properly. It just depends on what makes your code more readable and maintainable!