What is the order of execution of annotations in TestNG?

What is the order of execution of annotations in TestNG?

Hey Macy,

In TestNG, the order of execution of annotations follows a well-defined sequence to ensure a systematic and controlled testing environment. The sequence is as follows:

  • @BeforeSuite: Setup before the test suite.
  • @BeforeTest: Setup before each test.
  • @BeforeClass: Setup before the class.
  • @BeforeMethod: Setup before each test method.
  • @Test: The actual test method.
  • @AfterMethod: Cleanup after each test method.
  • @AfterClass: Cleanup after the class.
  • @AfterTest: Cleanup after each test.
  • @AfterSuite: Final cleanup after the test suite.

Understanding and utilizing these annotations in the correct order helps in maintaining a structured and organized testing process in TestNG. To learn more about various TestNG annotations and how to use TestNG for automation follow this guide below.