What is the difference between rotate and transform in CSS?
Rotate or rotate()
is a specific transformation function in CSS used to rotate elements. At the same time,e transform is a CSS property that can apply various transformations like rotate, scale, skew, and translate.
To learn more details about CSS-transform, follow this details guide on how to use the CSS transform-origin property.
Combining Transformations: You can apply multiple transformations simultaneously using the transform property. This allows for more complex animations and effects. For example:
.box { transform: rotate(45deg) translateX(100px) scale(1.5); }
This code snippet rotates the element by 45 degrees, translates it 100 pixels to the right, and scales it to 1.5 times its original size, all in one line.
Using Transition with Transform: To create smooth animations when applying transformations, you can use the transition property. This allows you to define the duration and easing of the transformation effect. For example:
.box { transition: transform 0.5s ease; } .box:hover { transform: rotate(90deg); }
In this case, the element will smoothly rotate 90 degrees over 0.5 seconds when hovered over, enhancing the user experience with visual feedback.