What is the difference between fixed and sticky positioning in CSS?

What is the difference between fixed and sticky positioning in CSS?

Hey Sindhu,

There are many posting properties in CSS, and I get it; it can sometimes be confusing. so to put it in simple words. Elements with fixed positions are removed from the normal document flow and positioned relative to the page’s viewport. They remain stationary in one place and visible even when the user scrolls through the page.

Meanwhile, elements with sticky positions remain part of the normal document flow until the user scrolls to a point defined by the offset properties of top, right, bottom, and left. When the user scrolls to that point, they become fixed and remain visible as the user scrolls.

To learn more about CSS layouts, their position properties, and more, follow the blog below and get detailed insights.


Positioning Behavior:

Fixed: Positioned relative to the viewport.

Sticky: Initially positioned relative, becomes fixed based on scroll position.

Scroll Interaction:

Fixed: Does not move when scrolled; stays in place.

Sticky: Scrolls with the page until a defined point (offset), then fixes in place.

Usage Examples:

Fixed: Ideal for elements like headers, footers, or sidebars that should always be visible.

Sticky: Suitable for elements such as navigation bars or table headers that need to stick at a certain scroll position.

Adding more here other than what Rima said.

Positioning Context:

Fixed: Positioned relative to the viewport even when the page is scrolled.

Sticky: Positioned relative to the nearest scrolling ancestor or the viewport until a defined offset is met.

Behavioral Transition:

Fixed: Maintains fixed position regardless of scroll actions.

Sticky: Initially behaves like a relatively positioned element, then switches to fixed when scrolled past the defined threshold.

Scrolling Impact:

Fixed: Does not affect the document flow; content scrolls beneath it.

Sticky: May affect the layout flow when it transitions to fixed positioning, potentially causing content to jump.