What is FCM tokens?

What are FCM tokens?

Hey Michael,

"Absolutely! :iphone: When your app first launches, the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) SDK does something pretty cool: it creates a unique registration token for that specific instance of your app on a device. This token is like a digital address that helps us direct push notifications exactly where they need to go.

Now, when it comes to sending notifications, you have a couple of options:

  1. Targeted Notifications: Let’s say you want to send a notification specifically to a particular device. In that case, you include the registration token of that device in your request to the FCM API. It’s like addressing an envelope with the recipient’s exact mailing address.

  2. Topic Subscriptions: If you have a group of users interested in similar updates or messages, you can subscribe their devices to a specific topic. When you send a message to that topic, FCM ensures it gets delivered to all the devices subscribed to it. Think of it like broadcasting a message to everyone in a club who wants to hear it.

So, the registration token is your key to ensuring that your push notifications land in the right hands (or devices).

If you have any more questions or need further insights, feel free to ask! :rocket::calling:"