What is assertions in Selenium?

What is assertions in Selenium?

Hey Toby

In Selenium, an assertion is a validation step used to check whether a particular condition or element attribute holds true or meets expected criteria within a web application. Assertions are a fundamental part of Selenium test automation and are primarily used to verify that a web page behaves as expected during testing. If an assertion fails, it indicates that something unexpected has occurred in the application, helping testers identify issues or defects.

Common types of assertions in Selenium include:

  1. Element Existence: Checking if a specific web element (e.g., a button, link, or text) exists on the page.

  2. Element Text: Verifying that the text of an element matches the expected value.

  3. Element Attribute: Ensuring that an element’s attribute (e.g., href, src) has the correct value.

  4. Page Title: Checking if the title of the web page matches the expected title.

  5. Page URL: Verifying that the current URL matches the expected URL.

Assertions in Selenium are typically implemented using assertion methods provided by testing frameworks like JUnit, TestNG, or other assertion libraries. These methods allow testers to assert conditions and handle failures gracefully, providing valuable feedback during test execution.