What HTML and ARIA attributes are needed for an accessible carousel?

What HTML and ARIA attributes are needed for an accessible carousel?

Hi Rhian,

When creating an accessible carousel, it’s important to use semantic elements like <section> or <ul> to structure your content. You can also use ARIA attributes like role="region" or role="group" to define the carousel as a distinct section of your page.

To ensure that the carousel is properly communicated to users of assistive technologies, you can use aria-label to provide a concise label for the carousel, aria-live="polite" to announce updates to the carousel content, and aria-roledescription="carousel" to describe its role on the page.

For a more practical demonstration, you can check out this blog post:

This will provide hands-on examples and implementation tips for creating accessible carousels.

When you’re setting up your carousel, think about using role=“carousel” to tell assistive technologies that this is a carousel element. You can also add aria-roledescription=“carousel” to explain to screen readers that this component is a carousel.

There is another way to make sure that the carousel and its controls are linked properly; you can use aria-controls to connect the carousel to its navigation buttons or indicators. Additionally, aria-labelledby can be used to give the carousel a descriptive label, helping users understand its purpose.