What do you understand by LT Browser?

What do you understand by LT Browser?

Hey Tom,

:iphone: LT Browser is your go-to tool for guaranteeing that your website looks and works flawlessly across a wide range of devices and screen sizes. It’s like having a collection of over 50 popular devices at your fingertips, ready for real-time testing.

With LT Browser, you can simply open your website and perform live testing on these pre-installed device viewports. It’s an efficient way to see how your site behaves on various smartphones, tablets, and other gadgets, all without needing to own each physical device.

This means you can catch and fix any responsiveness issues before your users ever encounter them, ensuring a smooth and consistent experience across the board.

If you have any more questions or want to dive deeper into LT Browser’s features, feel free to ask! :globe_with_meridians::man_technologist: