What are the top three things that can make my website mobile-friendly?

Please someone suggest me some things that can make my website mobile-friendly.

The world is shifting toward mobile-first. Therefore web developers need to ensure their website is mobile-friendly. A website needs to be streamlined so that it is rendered correctly on mobile devices.

Things to make your website mobile-friendly:

Size of hyperlinks and buttons - Maintain large-sized buttons and conduct adequate usability testing to ensure that all hyperlinks and buttons are conveniently clickable on mobile screens.

Develop a single website: Instead of developing a different website, go for one website that is responsive across all kinds of devices.

Test for Media Elements - Once your website has been created, test it on real devices to ensure that all of the media elements function properly.

Test for Mobile-friendly- Perform mobile responsive testing of website to ensure it renders smoothly across different mobile viewports. You can leverage LT Browser to test your website for mobile-friendliness.

Cross Browser Testing- Ensure that all of your website’s features function properly in different browser environments and that there are no glitches or rendering issues. Using cloud-based testing platforms, ensure that the website runs smoothly across all major browsers.

User Feedback: Take each and every minor issue into account & fix it faster.

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