What are the prerequisites to perform Figma Testing?

What are the prerequisites to perform Figma Testing?

Hey Matthew!

Here are some prerequisites to help you perform Figma testing of its prototypes:

  • Select your participants carefully. Choosing a group of people with expertise with similar software and familiarity with Figma is crucial for testing high-fidelity Figma prototypes. A low-fidelity Figma prototype can be tested on participants who are new to the platform.

  • Before starting Figma testing, you can perform a pilot run. This ensures there won’t be any hurdles or issues when Figma testing is done with potential consumers.

  • You can organize a walkthrough of the design prototypes with the key stakeholders.

  • It’s good to ask questions and get feedback from the participants. Additionally, you may gather input on design and the end-user experience.

  • It is crucial to examine the feedback results and make future design improvements.

  • Make sure your testing technique is effective in achieving the intended result.

Refer to our article on Figma testing for more information.