What are the prerequisites for running the first Selenium test script?

What are the prerequisites for running the first Selenium test script?

Hey Darran,

Before running the first Selenium script, you must configure a few other dependencies as listed below:


  1. Download JDK with JRE (32 or 64 bit) and then install it.
  2. Set an environment variable JAVA_HOME with the value to JDK installation location in the system.
  3. Update the path to the bin folder of the JDK installation folder in the Path variable.
  4. Use the java –version command in the command prompt to ensure successful installation of Java by using

IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

  1. Download and set up an IDE in your system for creating the Selenium tests and running them.

Drivers and Grid

  1. Choose the correct driver and version for successfully executing the tests.
  2. Set up Hub and Nodes for running tests in the grid.