What are the different ways to test Internet Explorer for Mac?

What are the different ways to test Internet Explorer for Mac?


Below are the five ways to test Internet Explorer for Mac -

  1. Open Internet Explorer Through Safari
  2. Open Internet Explorer for Mac with Virtual Machine (VM)
  3. Open Internet Explorer for Mac with Microsoft Edge IE Mode
  4. Open Internet Explorer for Mac on the cloud using LambdaTest

In the above approaches, the methods (1-3) are the good one, except that it requires too much manual effort, memory, and time. Wouldn’t it be great if we could do the same thing over the cloud so we can just select and test it?

Platforms like LambdaTest offer cloud-based cross-browser testing services. It provides users with an online browser farm of 3000+ browsers and operating systems available for use already installed on their infrastructure. You can choose the operating system, browser, version, and resolution to render the website within seconds.

Read here to know about how to test Internet Explorer for Mac

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