What are the different ways of handling Frames in Selenium?

What are the different ways of handling Frames in Selenium?

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Hi Richard,

You can use the switchTo method to start interacting with frames using Selenium WebDriver. There are two key switchTo commands to deal with it.

Using switchTo().frame()

You can navigate to a frame or iFrame in Selenium using the switchTo.frame() method. Once you have switched to the frame, you can access the elements by specify either the frame id, frame name, or web element locator.

Using switchTo().defaultContent()

The switchTo().defaultContent() method will switch to the first frame on the page. In iFrames, it will switch back to the main (or Parent) document.

To deep dive into handling Frames & iFrames in Selenium JavaScript, please go through the following blog:


Thanks Shahzeb for explaining in detail