What are the different NUnit annotations for Selenium automation testing?

What are the different NUnit annotations for Selenium automation testing?

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Hey Aaron,

Here is a list of NUnit annotations that you can use while performing Selenium automation tesing.

Annotation Description
[SetUp] One method per test class.
[TearDown] One method per test class.
[TestFixture] Marks a class that contains tests.
[Test] Marks a method.
[TestCase] Marks a method with parameters.
[TestFixtureSetUp] Marks a method that is executed once before any test method execution in that fixture.
[TestFixtureTearDown] Marks a method that is executed after the last test method in that fixture has finished execution.
[Ignore] Marks a test method that should not be considered for execution.
[Category] Specify the test category.
[Indicates] Marks that the test should be skipped.
[OneTimeSetUp] Methods that should be called before the child tests execution.
[OneTimeTearDown] Methods that should be called after the child tests execution.
[Culture] Indicates cultures for which a test should be executed.
[MaxTime] Maximum time frame in milliseconds.
[Platform] Platforms on which the test execution should be performed.
[TimeOut] Timeout value in milliseconds.
[Retry] Test will re-run if it fails till the time it is either successful/maximum number of times have reached.
[Repeat] Specifies the method that needs to be executed/repeated number of times.
[ExpectedException(ExceptionType)] Marks a test that can raise a particular exception, i.e., ExceptionType.
[Random] Specifies generation of random values to be passed as arguments to the parameterized tests.

To know more about annotations and their practical implementation go through the blog on How To Use NUnit Annotations For Selenium Automation Testing [With Example]