What is different-different exceptions in Selenium WebDriver ?
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Exceptions in Selenium are similar to exceptions in other programming languages. The most common exceptions in Selenium are:
- TimeoutException: This exception is thrown when a command performing an operation does not complete in the stipulated time
- NoSuchElementException: This exception is thrown when an element with given attributes is not found on the web page
- ElementNotVisibleException: This exception is thrown when the element is present in DOM (Document Object Model), but not visible on the web page
- StaleElementException: This exception is thrown when the element is either deleted or no longer attached to the DOM
- NoSuchElement
- NoSuchFrame
- NoAlertpresent
- ElementNotVisible
- ElementNotSelectable
- NoSuchWindow
- SessionNotFound
- Timeout
- WebDriverException
- ConnectionClosed
- EnementNotInteractablre