What are the difference ways of installing the Test Runner (NUnit Visual Studio Adapter) in VS?

What are the difference ways of installing the Test Runner (NUnit Visual Studio Adapter) in VS while setting up NUnit environment?

Hi Rhian,

There are two ways for installing the NUnit adapter

  1. Through Visual Studio extension
  2. Using NuGet Package Manager

While using Visual Studio Extension, go to Tools → Manage Extensions and Click on Online and search for NUnit Test Adapter . Then, Click on the search item labeled as NUnit 3 Test Adapter and install it. The advantage here is, the extension will automatically upgrade to the latest version.

For installing the required NUnit packages, you can either use the IDE or use the NuGet Package Manager commands. Go to Tools → NuGet Package Manager → Package Manager Console and execute the following commands:

Install-Package NUnit

Install-Package NUnit3TestAdapter

Hope it helps!