What are the benefits of using TeamCity for test automation?

What are the benefits of using TeamCity for test automation?

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Hi Tim,

Teamcity is a multi-platform, multi-build technology, teams can perform automated tests and have effective communication of deployments. TeamCity provides the benefits of continuous integration for more complex systems because it is a general-purpose CI/CD solution available for users and build engineers.

Some of the benefits offered by Teamcity for test automation includes:

  • Self-hosted Continuous Integration.

  • Gain the flexibility to simultaneously run parallel jobs with different platform settings and environment configurations.

  • Allows you to create different profiles with different goals, including build time, success rate, code quality, and custom statistics.

  • Run the code coverage and duplicates finder for Java and .NET environments.

  • Configure TeamCity pipelines using a UI, KConfig DSL or Java DSL.

Hope it helps!

You can go through the following blog to have an in-depth understanding of building a CI/CD pipeline with TeamCity for Selenium test automation: