What are the advantages of using Selenium with Docker for web application testing?

What are the advantages of using Selenium with Docker for web application testing?

Hey Ian,

Docker is an open-source container platform that helps you create, deploy and run applications using containers. Since Docker containers enable portability of the application from one infrastructure to another, it becomes easier to move applications across clouds.

Some of the major benefits that make Selenium with Docker an ideal combination for web app testing:

  • Scalable and Reliable
  • Test locally hosted sites
  • Less overhead of installations
  • Improved Security
  • Lesser chances of discrepancies
  • No more Selenium Crash worries
  • Docker with Selenium 4

Hope it helps!


Thanks Shahzebh,

Can you help me with running Selenium tests in Docker?

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There are multiple ways to run tests with Selenium Grid using Docker Compose:

Automated execution of Selenium tests at Hub level is ideal for scenarios where higher number of tests or browser/locale combinations have to be executed at a time or if the Selenium tests involve running multiple browsers.

Docker-compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Docker Compose you can define a set of services that depends on each other, then start all those services with a single command.

Go through the detailed guide on How To Run Selenium Tests In Docker? for step-by-step process.

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