What are the advantages of using Jasmine JavaScript testing framework with Selenium?

What are the advantages of using Jasmine JavaScript testing framework with Selenium?

Hi Yanisleidi,

Jasmine and Selenium are two popular tools used for automating tests for web applications. When working on a JavaScript-based web UI project, it is worth combining both of them, where Jasmine helps writing the test case in JavaScript and Selenium is responsible for executing the test on the browser. The combination of these two tools can help improve the efficiency and quality of the testing process.

  • Jasmine and Selenium are open-source, mature frameworks for web testing. They make the tough job of creating automation easier and more reliable.

  • Their capacity to work with almost all browsers and platforms is another added advantage.

  • With Jasmine, you can write better tests and reduce test execution time using parallel execution. As a result, you’ll be able to increase your testing productivity.

To go into details and understand how you can perform automated Cross Browser Testing with Jasmine Framework & Selenium, please go through the following blog: