What are some expected conditions that can be used in Explicit Waits?
Some of the Expected Conditions that can be used in Explicit Wait are as follows:
- presenceOfElementLocated()
- visibilityOfElementLocated()
- alertIsPresent()
- elementToBeClickable()
- textToBePresentInElementLocated()
- frameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt()
- elementToBeSelected()
To learn more on how to handle expected conditions follow this blog given below.
Using WebDriverWait with Expected Conditions: WebDriverWait, in combination with Expected Conditions, is commonly used to handle synchronization in Selenium WebDriver. Some of the common conditions include:
invisibilityOfElementLocated() titleContains() stalenessOf() elementToBeVisible()
Custom Expected Conditions: Selenium also allows for creating custom Expected Conditions using ExpectedConditions.elementIfVisible() or new ExpectedCondition<>(). This helps when the built-in conditions don’t cover a specific scenario or you need more granular control over the waiting logic.