I want to know what are open source test management tools present.
Do you need a fully fledged tool? Would a repo of markdown tests, or spreadsheets work?
I tried to think of spreadsheets but I wasn’t so comfortable with that. So I prefer to have a fully fledged tool that can work long term.
Yeah that’s fair. I only ask since depending on how many tests / testers etc you have, a proper tool might be overkill I’ve only dealt with Paid tools so can’t give much input based on experience I’m afraid
Currently, I am the only tester in the team doing both manual and automated, I want to have proper documentation on the manual test cases and then Automate them.
In my opinion a “proper tool” would be overkill for a single tester. Generally turning manual tests into automated tests doesn’t result in well designed and maintainable tests If you are writing automated tests I assume they are under version control? Why not have whatever manual tests live in the repo?
Yup, they are in GitHub. How can I have them live in the repo, how would they look… Sounds like a Good idea. Do you mean having them in the readme.md file
Could have a .md file for each test / feature. For example I’ve been moving some tests from a spreadsheet into a repo to share it more easily. https://github.com/flynnbops/manual_accessibility
Thanks for sharing @paul.brown
No worries @miro.vasil, No doubt, there are lots of other options to consider. But should be able to get some benefits without the overhead of a full testing tool
Following your conversation, I assume you are a manual tester who needs to move for automation. And if that is the case, I would suggest you know your requirements. If it is some website that needs to be tested, you can work on Selenium to work on automated test scripts and execution while mobile applications can be tested using Appium or Test Complete.
These tools are designed to help you easier execution of tests with support on multiple coding languages. Moreover, you can even control the speed of test cases, pause/resume test cases, and step into each specific command in the test script.
Let me know If I was able to answer your query or in case I missed the point, I would like to have more detail on your concerns.