What are Jenkins Shared Libraries and how do we use them?

What are Jenkins Shared Library and how do we use them?

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Hey Aaron,

In today’s world of microservices, building applications out of tiny services has become the norm. To cut down on duplicated work in this new paradigm, we can create reusable libraries or shared libraries that help with common tasks.

In brief, here are steps to create & use the Jenkins shared library:

  1. Create a separate GitHub repository for the Jenkins pipeline code, and then push the shared library to that repository.
  2. Integrate shared library in Jenkins’s master section and you can take advantage of all the functionality.
  3. Start by creating a Jenkinsfile and registering your project to the cloud service. Then, integrate and use the pre-built resources in the shared library to build and test your code frameworks.

To get more insights on Jenkins Shared Library, plz go through the following blog:

Hope it helps!