What are commonly used TestNG annotations?
Hey Ian,
The commonly used TestNG annotations are-
- @Test: Marks a method as a test method.
- @BeforeSuite: Runs once before all tests in the suite.
- @AfterSuite: Runs once after all tests in the suite.
- @BeforeClass: Runs once before the first test method in the class.
- @AfterClass: Runs once after all test methods in the class.
- @BeforeTest: Runs before any test method in the tag.
- @AfterTest: Runs after all test methods in the tag.
- @BeforeMethod: Runs before each method marked with @Test.
- @AfterMethod: Runs after each method marked with @Test.
- @DataProvider: Passes test data to the test method, executing based on the number of data rows provided.
Feel free to reach out for more clarification.