What are Asserts in Python and how to use them?
The assert
statement is a common feature in most programming languages and serves two primary purposes:
- It helps to identify issues early in the program when the cause is more evident, rather than later when it might cause other operations to fail. For instance, a type error in Python can propagate through multiple layers of code before raising an Exception if not detected early.
- It acts as documentation for other developers, indicating that the condition in the
statement should always hold true from that point onward.
When you use:
assert condition
you’re instructing the program to check the condition and immediately raise an error if the condition is false.
In Python, this is roughly equivalent to:
if not condition:
raise AssertionError()
Try it in the Python shell:
>>> assert True # nothing happens
>>> assert False
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
Assertions can also include an optional message. To print a message if the assertion fails:
assert False, "Oh no! This assertion failed!"
Remember not to use parentheses to call assert
like a function. It is a statement, not a function. Using assert(condition, message)
will pass a tuple (condition, message)
as the first parameter, which is incorrect.
Asserts in Python are a debugging aid that tests a condition as part of your code. If the condition evaluates to True, the program continues executing as normal. If it evaluates to False, an AssertionError is raised, which can help identify and debug issues early in the development process.
To use an assert statement, you simply write assert followed by the condition you want to test. For example:
assert x > 0, “x must be greater than 0”
In this case, if x is not greater than 0, an AssertionError will be raised with the message “x must be greater than 0”.
You can disable assert statements globally by running Python in optimized mode with the -O flag:
When Python is in optimized mode, all assert statements are ignored.
Asserts in Python are used to enforce certain conditions that must be true at specific points in the program. They are mainly utilized for debugging and can act as internal self-checks in your code. When an assert fails, it raises an AssertionError exception, indicating that there is a bug in the program.
To implement an assert, you use the assert keyword followed by a condition. Optionally, you can include a message that will be displayed if the assertion fails.
This statement checks if age is an integer. If it is not, it raises an AssertionError with the message “age must be an integer”.
Asserts can be turned off in production code to improve performance by running the Python interpreter with the -O (optimize) flag, which sets the built-in variable debug to False and ignores all assert statements:
Using asserts is a good practice during development to catch and diagnose errors early, but remember they can be disabled in optimized mode, so they should not be relied upon for validating data or enforcing critical conditions in production.