Unwanted LTApp and LambdatestRunner on Device - Origin and Categories

I am able to see some apps named as LTApp and LambdatestRunner in the real devices but I didnt install them. Can you tell me where they came on the device.

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Hii Charity,

The presence of LTApp and LambdatestRunner on your device is intentional. These applications play a crucial role in enabling the seamless execution of our services. LTApp facilitates efficient streaming, ensuring a smooth and interactive user experience. LambdatestRunner, on the other hand, enhances the overall functionality of our services by managing and optimizing various background processes.

Although you didn’t install them manually, these apps are part of the integral components that contribute to the performance and functionality of our services on real devices. Their presence is intentional and ensures that you can utilize our services with the utmost efficiency, providing a solid foundation for testing and user experience on the device.

Thanks for your inquiry! Your engagement means a lot to us, and we’re ready to address any concerns or queries you may have in the future again :+1:.