Unable to bypass private connection error page on mobile web browser

@LambdaTest I have an application which gives me private connection error. I was able to bypass this using acceptInsecureCerts capability. However when i do the same for a mobile web browser, im not able to bypass that error. I tried to set it in lt options as well but didn’t work. Can you please help me

    "browserName": "chrome",
    "pageLoadStrategy": "normal",
    "acceptInsecureCerts": true,
    "LT:Options": {
        "browserName": "chrome",
        "isRealMobile": true,
        "version": "latest",
        "platformName": "android",
        "build": "Blocks Android Chrome Tests 2024-11-26 16:26:11 173",
        "acceptInsecureCerts": true,
        "name": "Verify Landing Page"
    "goog:chromeOptions": {
        "extensions": [],
        "args": [

Attached screenshot of the error page