What are the different TypeScript file extensions and how are they related?
I’m trying to understand TypeScript better, and I’m curious about the different file extensions used in TypeScript development. Specifically, what is the purpose of each of these extensions?
- *TypeScript, .ts
- *Definition, .d.ts
- *Map, .map
- *JavaScript, .js
Can you explain how each of these file types is used in TypeScript projects?
I’ve worked with TypeScript for a while now, and one of the core file types you’ll encounter is the .ts
file. These are the backbone of any TypeScript project. The .ts
files represent TypeScript source code that includes features like type annotations, interfaces, and other advanced TypeScript capabilities. When you compile these .ts
files, they are converted into .js
files, which are runnable in any JavaScript environment. This typescript file extension ensures your development process benefits from strong type-checking while still delivering standard JavaScript to the runtime.
Building on Rima’s point, another important typescript file extension is .d.ts
. These are TypeScript declaration files, and their role is to describe the types used in JavaScript libraries or modules that TypeScript doesn’t natively understand. For example, if you’re using an older JavaScript library that doesn’t have TypeScript support, a .d.ts
file acts like a bridge, providing type information so you can enjoy accurate IntelliSense and better type safety. They’re invaluable for maintaining smooth interoperability between JavaScript and TypeScript codebases.
That’s spot on! To add to that, you’ll often see .map
files alongside your compiled JavaScript files when working with TypeScript. This typescript file extension, .map
, is all about making debugging easier. These source map files link your compiled JavaScript back to the original .ts
files. When debugging in the browser, the developer tools can use the .map
file to show you the original TypeScript code instead of the compiled JavaScript, saving tons of time when tracking down issues. It’s an essential part of the workflow for anyone using TypeScript in larger projects.