Discover how you can use the @ParameterizedTest annotation provided by JUnit to parameterize your tests without the need for a separate method.
This video is in continuation of part V of the JUnit tutorial with Selenium where you learned how to write data-driven tests with different technologies from Real to Angular with Selenium in Java and JUnit framework.
In this video for JUnit Tutorial for beginners, Anton Angelov (@angelovstanton) walks you through more complex scenarios for running tests in JUnit with enumeration and running them through different methods involving more complex data with more than one parameter, working with CSV files, and more. By the end of this video, you will be familiar with Argument Sources and learn how to pass arguments to the JUnit Parameterized Tests using a variety of annotations:
Also, learn
What are argument sources in JUnit?
Why Do You Need JUnit Parameterized Tests?
How do you do annotation parameters?
What are parameterized tests used for in JUnit?