Tools for Testing Web Accessibility

What tools can help test web accessibility?

With my experience in web development, I’ve found that various tools can help identify accessibility issues, such as WAVE, Axe, and Lighthouse. These tools analyze web pages and provide reports on potential accessibility problems, making it easier to address them.

You can also use the Accessibility DevTools Chrome extension to help you perform accessibility testing and identify accessibility issues against the WCAG standard.

For a comprehensive approach, referring to a web accessibility checklist is essential. It guides developers and testers on what to look for when creating and testing websites and web applications. Check out this web accessibility checklist for more details.

I’ve been working with accessibility tools for a while, and I’d like to add to what Saniyag mentioned. is another fantastic tool for automated accessibility testing. It provides detailed reports on accessibility issues based on WCAG standards. Tenon supports integration with CI/CD pipelines, making it suitable for both manual and automated testing environments. For anyone serious about accessibility, combining tools like Tenon with a solid web accessibility checklist can streamline the testing process and ensure comprehensive coverage.

Building on the insights from Saniyag and Macy, I can say from experience that the Deque Axe Browser Extension is a must-have in your toolkit. Axe is a popular accessibility testing toolkit that offers a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox. It allows developers and testers to run accessibility audits directly within the browser, providing detailed insights into accessibility violations and recommendations for improvements. Integrating tools like Axe with a web accessibility checklist ensures you’re covering all bases and adhering to best practices in web accessibility.