TestNG on LambdaTest

I have to start using TestNG on IntelliJ. How can I set it up and test on LambdaTest platform?

Hi Helen! Hope you are doing well!

You can begin by downloading the TestNG jar file on your system. To download, please open https://mvnrepository.com/ and search TestNG in the search box. Click on the TestNG file from the test result and download the jar file on the next page. (You are halfway there!)

Now open IntelliJ, hover on files, and open Project Structure(Ctrl+Alt+shift+S). A window will pop up. Select “Modules” and then select “Dependencies”. There, you have to select the “+” icon and which will lead you to add “JARs or directories” to IntelliJ. Upload the JAR files that we downloaded previously and select the “OK” button. And that’s it!

You can now start using TestNG annotations in your test suits. Easy right?