Testing my local website on LambdaTest

Actually, I am BrowserStack user currently and wanted to check if you guys support local website testing. If yes, how?

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Hi! Hope you are doing good.

This is to inform you that we support local website testing on LambdaTest using a utility called ‘Tunnel’.

You can start the tunnel from the command prompt or through the ‘Underpass’ application.

Before starting your test, make sure you rename the file ‘index.html’ and paste it under Xampp → htdoc folder. Once you have done that, you can start local server(Xampp etc.) and run tunnel either using command prompt or through ‘Underpass’.

Now, open the LambdaTest platform, refresh the page and you’ll notice ‘tunnel active’ which indicates we are good to go. Enter “http://localhost” or “localhost.lambdatest.com” and launch the session. A secure connection gets created between your system and LambdaTest servers and you can start testing your local website on LambdaTest.

You can also check our documentation on the tunnel at https://www.lambdatest.com/support/docs/testing-locally-hosted-pages/.

Hope that helps! Good day! :slight_smile: