Testing a Single File with Jest: Encountering Errors

How do I test a single file using Jest? I can run multiple test files using Jest, but I’m having trouble testing a single file. Here’s what I’ve done so far:

  1. Installed Jest CLI as a dev dependency: npm install jest-cli --save-dev.
  2. Updated package.json with the script: { … “scripts”: { “test”: “jest” } … }.
  3. Written multiple tests, and running npm test works and executes all tests.

However, I want to test a specific file, for example, app/foo/tests/bar.spec.js. When I try running: npm test app/foo/tests/bar.spec.js

from the project root, I encounter the following error:

npm ERR! Error: ENOENT, open ‘/node_modules/app/foo/tests/bar.spec.js/package.json’

How can I correctly run a specific test file using npm run test?

Use Jest Command Directly: Instead of using npm run test with a file path, you can invoke Jest directly from the command line and specify the test file. From your project root, run:

npx jest app/foo/__tests__/bar.spec.js

This directly runs Jest with the specified file, bypassing the npm command. This method ensures that you can npm run test specific file without any issues.

Modify the test Script in package.json: Update the test script in your package.json to accept arguments for specifying test files. Modify the scripts section as follows:

"scripts": {

"test": "jest"


Then run:

npm test -- app/foo/__tests__/bar.spec.js

The -- syntax tells npm to pass the following arguments directly to Jest. This way, you can easily npm run test specific file by appending the file path.

Use Jest’s --testPathPattern Option: You can use Jest’s --testPathPattern option to specify the test file pattern. Run:

npx jest --testPathPattern=app/foo/__tests__/bar.spec.js

Or modify the test script in package.json to include this option:

"scripts": {

"test": "jest --testPathPattern"


Then run:

npm test app/foo/__tests__/bar.spec.js

This ensures that only the specified file(s) matching the pattern will be tested. It’s a reliable way to npm run test specific file seamlessly.