Selenium WebDriver is not working with ChromeDriver 115

Selenium WebDriver is not working with ChromeDriver 115

Hey Mehta,

I hope this message finds you well.

If you encounter any issues with Selenium WebDriver not functioning properly with ChromeDriver 115, please consider the following steps to potentially resolve the issue:

When Selenium WebDriver is not working with ChromeDriver 115, you can try the following approach to resolve the issue:

Update ChromeDriver: The first step is to ensure that you are using a compatible version of ChromeDriver. Since ChromeDriver 115 is not a standard version, it’s possible that it hasn’t been released or tested yet. In this case, you should try updating ChromeDriver to the latest stable version that is compatible with your Chrome browser version.


WebDriverManager is a library that helps manage WebDriver binaries automatically. By using this approach, you ensure that the correct version of ChromeDriver is downloaded and used by your WebDriver instance.

To know more on Selenium WebDriver Manager follow this guide and get valuable insights : WebDriverManager in Selenium: How to Use it? | LambdaTest