Selenium Conf 2024 online - Call for Proposals closing 30 April

Selenium project has been working on the open, standards-based web and browser automation for 20 years. We would love to showcase what you have done with it, what you’ve learned with it and from it, and how it serves users and contributors best today.

Submit your proposal in the following categories:

:arrow_right: Getting Started

:arrow_right: Best Practices

:arrow_right: Tools & Infra

:arrow_right: Selenium Internals

:arrow_right: Shifting Left

:arrow_right: Robotic Process Automation

:arrow_right: Scaling Test Automation

:arrow_right: Quality Engineering

Don’t miss this opportunity to grow, learn, and inspire at Selenium Conf 2024!

Submitting a proposal is a simple process with plenty of community support and real career benefits say past #SeleniumConf speakers.

Selenium Conf 2024 CFP closes tomorrow. Deadline: 30 April at 11:59pm IST

If you have something to share now is the time to submit!

Learn more and submit your proposal: Submit a Proposal - Selenium Conf 2024
