Running HyperExecute Job with Specific Ruby Version

How do I run my LambdaTest HyperExecute job on a specific version of Ruby?

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Hi Darran,

To run your LambdaTest HyperExecute job on a specific version of Ruby, you can utilize the runtime key in your configuration file. This key allows you to explicitly define the language and version you want to use for your test execution. In the provided example, the language is set to “ruby,” and the version is specified as “2.7.”

  language: "ruby"
  version: "2.7"

By setting the version attribute to your desired Ruby version, you ensure that your LambdaTest HyperExecute job runs on the specified Ruby runtime. This level of version control is crucial for maintaining consistency and compatibility across different environments.

For instance, if you need to switch to a different Ruby version, simply update the version attribute in the runtime key to reflect the desired version. This ensures that your LambdaTest HyperExecute job adapts to the specific Ruby environment you intend to use, allowing for flexibility and seamless integration into your testing workflow.

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