Running Cypress tests using LambdaTest HyperExecute?

How do I run specs within 2 different folders while running Cypress tests using LambdaTest HyperExecute?

Hey Miro,

You can include the following commands in your HyperExecute YAML to manage test discovery and execution:

  command: find cypress/e2e/1-ui-regression cypress/e2e/2-api-regression -type f -name "*.js"
  mode: static
  type: raw

testRunnerCommand: npm cypress run --spec=./$test --browser=chrome-95.0 --headed

These commands will help you discover your test files and execute them using Cypress with the specified browser and in headed mode.

If you have any more questions or need further assistance with your test setup, feel free to ask. We’re here to support your testing requirements.