Problem Solving Skills

Tips by MuktaSharma

To solve a problem, go to the root cause of the problem.

:memo:Understand the problem statement first, analyze the problem then come up with possible solutions.

:white_check_mark:Try with 1st most feasible solution. If it doesn’t work out,go with other possible solutions.

:arrow_right_hook:Divide the problem into smaller chunks. Then,take one chunk at one time and Starr working on it.

:point_right:Once it is completed, pick up another chunk of work and do it.

:alarm_clock:Eventually you will notice you have completed a huge piece of work that first looked impossible to you but you achieved it.

:v:Lesson: Never afraid of taking huge responsibility or a bigger role. You can learn on the go.

:+1:How do you tackle problems/issues at work?

Please feel free to share your experience of dealing with issues/task at work.

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