Optimizing Navigation Timeouts in Puppeteer

How can I handle navigation timeouts effectively using Puppeteer?

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Hey, let me tell you about this cool trick with page.goto() . You see, when you’re heading to a URL, you can slap on a timeout right there in the options. It’s like saying, “Hey, Puppeteer, wait for me for just 5 seconds while I load this page.” So, it looks something like this: await page.goto('https://example.com', { timeout: 5000 }); . Easy, right!!!

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Hey, here’s another nifty trick to keep things smooth sailing. Ever heard of page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout() ? It’s like setting a universal clock for all your navigation adventures. So, you just pop in await page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(10000); at the start of your script, and voila! Now Puppeteer knows to wait for a full 10 seconds before calling it quits on any navigation journey.

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Okay, So, when you’re launching Puppeteer, there’s a sneaky little option called timeout that you can tweak to your heart’s content. It’s like customizing your ride before hitting the road. Just fire up your Puppeteer launch like so: const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ timeout: 15000 }); , and now you’ve got a solid 15 seconds on the clock for all your navigation needs. Smooth sailing ahead!