My git is refusing to merge unrelated histories on rebase. What to do?

My git is refusing to merge unrelated histories on rebase. What to do?

Hey Saanvi,

When facing the “refusing to merge unrelated histories” error during a rebase, you can add the --allow-unrelated-histories flag to the git pull command:

git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories

This flag allows Git to merge the unrelated histories, enabling you to proceed with the rebase operation.

Hello Saanvi,

Another approach is to use the --rebase flag when pulling:

git pull --rebase origin master This command fetches the remote changes and replays your local commits on top of them, potentially resolving the unrelated histories issue.

Hey Saanvi Savlani,

If you’re rebasing but don’t need to preserve the unrelated history, you can use the --onto option to rebase onto a specific commit, effectively ignoring the unrelated histories:

git rebase --onto master

Replace with the commit where you want to rebase your branch onto, typically a common ancestor of the two branches to merge their histories.