Lowpass Filter for Heart Rate Signal in Python

I am working on filtering a noisy heart rate signal using Python. Since heart rates should not exceed around 220 beats per minute, I want to filter out all noise above 220 bpm. I first converted 220 bpm into 3.66666666 Hertz and then to rad/s, which gives me 23.0383461 rad/sec. The sampling frequency of my data is 30Hz, so I converted that to rad/s to get 188.495559 rad/s.

After researching online, I found some bandpass filter code and adapted it into a lowpass filter. Here’s the code I came up with:

from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter
from scipy.signal import freqs

def butter_lowpass(cutOff, fs, order=5):
    nyq = 0.5 * fs
    normalCutoff = cutOff / nyq
    b, a = butter(order, normalCutoff, btype='low', analog=True)
    return b, a

def butter_lowpass_filter(data, cutOff, fs, order=4):
    b, a = butter_lowpass(cutOff, fs, order=order)
    y = lfilter(b, a, data)
    return y

cutOff = 23.1  # cutoff frequency in rad/s
fs = 188.495559  # sampling frequency in rad/s
order = 20  # filter order

y = butter_lowpass_filter(data, cutOff, fs, order)

I’m confused because I’m pretty sure the butter function expects the cutoff and sampling frequency in rad/s, but the output seems odd. Is it actually expecting these values in Hz?

Also, I don’t fully understand the purpose of these two lines:

nyq = 0.5 * fs
normalCutoff = cutOff / nyq

I know this is related to normalization, but I thought the Nyquist frequency was 2 times the sampling frequency, not 0.5. Why is the Nyquist used as a normalizer?

Can someone explain how to properly create a low pass filter in Python with these functions?

I also plotted the frequency response of the filter using the following code:

w, h = signal.freqs(b, a)
plt.plot(w, 20 * np.log10(abs(h)))
plt.title('Butterworth filter frequency response')
plt.xlabel('Frequency [radians / second]')
plt.ylabel('Amplitude [dB]')
plt.margins(0, 0.1)
plt.grid(which='both', axis='both')
plt.axvline(100, color='green')  # cutoff frequency

However, the plot doesn’t show the expected cutoff at 23 rad/s. Can someone help clarify this?

Sure, I’ve worked with low pass filters in Python for biomedical signals like this! Your issue seems to arise from confusion between rad/s and Hz. SciPy’s butter function actually expects frequencies in Hz, not rad/s. Here’s how to adjust:

  1. Convert Frequencies from Rad/s to Hz:
# Convert rad/s to Hz
cutOff_Hz = cutOff / (2 * np.pi)  # 23.0383461 rad/s to Hz
fs_Hz = fs / (2 * np.pi)  # Convert fs from rad/s to Hz
  1. Pass the Values in Hz to the Filter:
# Now call the butter function with frequencies in Hz
b, a = butter(order, cutOff_Hz / (0.5 * fs_Hz), btype='low', analog=False)

This ensures you’re working in the correct units for digital signal processing. Adjusting this should resolve the discrepancy you’re seeing in the filter’s behavior.

Hey there! I’ve done some digital signal processing in the past, so let me clarify the part about the Nyquist frequency and normalization.

  1. Nyquist Frequency: The Nyquist frequency is half of the sampling frequency, not double. This is a fundamental concept in signal processing: the maximum frequency that can be sampled without aliasing is half the sampling rate. That’s why the formula nyq = 0.5 * fs is used.
  2. Normalization: To use the butter function properly, the cutoff frequency is normalized relative to the Nyquist frequency:
normalCutoff = cutOff / nyq

This normalization ensures that the cutoff frequency is expressed as a fraction of the Nyquist frequency (between 0 and 1), as required for digital filters.

To recap:

  • nyq = 0.5 * fs: The Nyquist frequency is half the sampling rate.
  • normalCutoff = cutOff / nyq: This normalizes the cutoff frequency.

Let me know if you need further clarification!

Hi, I’ve worked on several biomedical signal projects, so I totally get where your confusion might come from. Let’s also talk about the analog vs. digital filter settings in your code.

  1. Digital vs. Analog Filters: The butter function allows you to create both analog and digital filters. Since you’re working with sampled data (like your heart rate signal), you need a digital filter. Right now, you’re using analog=True, which might be the issue.
  2. Fixing for Digital Filtering: Switch to a digital filter by setting analog=False:
b, a = butter(order, normalCutoff, btype='low', analog=False)
  1. Frequency Response: Once you fix the units and ensure you’re using a digital filter, the frequency response plot should match your expectations. If it still doesn’t, double-check the normalization and conversion from rad/s to Hz.

To summarize:

  • Use analog=False for sampled signals.
  • Double-check your conversions and normalization.

Hope this clears up the remaining confusion!