Want to master web automation? Watch this video to learn how to locate WebElements using Playwright Locators like a pro!
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Using CSS Selectors : Playwright supports CSS selectors to locate elements based on their attributes, classes, or IDs.
Playwright supports CSS selectors to locate elements based on their attributes, classes, or IDs.
const element = await page.locator('button#submit'); // Locate element with ID 'submit'
await element.click();
Using Text Content Playwright allows locating elements based on their visible text, making it easy to interact with buttons, links, or labels.
const element = await page.locator('text="Sign In"'); // Locate a button with text 'Sign In'
await element.click();
You can use XPath expressions to locate elements based on their structure within the DOM.
const element = await page.locator('//input[@name="email"]'); // Locate input element by name attribute