Launching Playwright Test in Maximized State with WebKit in C#

How can I start the Browser Windows from a PlayWright test (Using C#) in a Maximized state on WebKit?

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Hey Joe,

Certainly! Hereā€™s an enhanced and more detailed answer:

// To start the Browser Window in a Maximized state on WebKit using Playwright in C#, you can utilize the following code snippet:

using Microsoft.Playwright;

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Launch the browser with WebKit as the browser context
        using var playwright = Playwright.Create();
        var browser = playwright.WebKit.Launch();

        // Create a new browser context
        var context = browser.NewContext();

        // Create a new page within the context
        var page = context.NewPage();

        // Navigate to the desired URL

        // Maximize the browser window
        page.RunAndWaitForNavigationAsync(() => page.Window().MaximizeAsync());

        // Your test logic goes here

        // Close the browser when done

This code snippet provides a more comprehensive approach to starting the browser window in a maximized state using Playwright with WebKit in C#. It includes the necessary steps to launch the browser, create a new context and page, navigate to a URL, and maximize the browser window. Make sure to replace ā€œhttps://www.example.comā€ with the actual URL you want to test.

Additionally, if you encounter any issues or need further assistance, you can refer to the following article for additional insights and solutions: Maximize Browser Window in Playwright.

Thanks for reaching out! If you have any more questions, weā€™re here to answer them.