Filter Custom Data in Build Comparison
You can now filter and compare web automation builds with the new customData capability in Insights. This allows you to analyze specific test scenarios based on the tags or metadata you’ve defined.
New App Automation Widget
We have added a new widget for App Automation that gives you comprehensive visibility into your test execution metrics.
With this widget, you can easily see key details like total tests, time used, and pass/fail rates. This helps you figure out where you can improve your testing and find issues quickly.
Excel Export for Usage Reports
You can now export your usage reports directly into Excel (.xlsx) format. This allows you to easily manipulate, analyze, and share the test data you used with your team.
“Created By” Column in Dashboards
We’ve added a ‘Created by’ column to the Dashboard list, so you can easily see who created each dashboard. This makes finding the right dashboard and working with your team much simpler.
Easy Column Sorting in Data Tables
You now have more control over your data. Just click any column header to sort it and quickly find the information you need. This helps you prioritize metrics and see patterns faster.
Admin Controls for Dashboards
Our Insights platform now allows admins to manage all dashboards, ensuring consistent data and visualizations across the organization. They can update, delete, and modify dashboards as needed, keeping critical information accurate.
Widget Filtering for Disabled/Deleted Tests
To make your dashboards easier to understand, you can now exclude disabled tests. This removes disabled and deleted tests from your data, giving you a better view of your current testing workflow.