LambdaTest Windows 11 doesn't look the same as real device Windows 11?

We have encountered issues where we observed different behaviors on real Windows devices compared to LambdaTest Windows devices. Here is an example:

Real Windows 11 device, Chrome 119.0.6045.200 (x64):

LambdaTest Windows 11, Chrome 119 (tested using a Macbook Pro M2 with Ventura 13.6):

Is this a known bug, or is there a way to resolve the issue?


You are seeing the difference here because the website you are testing on a local PC (Macbook Pro M2 ) is a physical machine.

Whereas on Lambdatest Windows session are virtual machines (Headless Units) that is why it just shows the Browser version.

To valid you can check on Mac OS you will get Mac Mini while testing as Macs have physical hardware support over Lambdatest

Thanks for your reply!

The problem is that we see a vertical scrollbar on real Windows devices but not on LambdaTest Windows when accessing from a Mac. I work on Macs almost entirely. Is there a configuration or setup that would allow me to see the vertical scrollbar in LambdaTest Windows, even when using a Mac? So basically, that it behaves like a native Windows machine?



Please contact our Support Team at with the Test ID and more details for us to debug.
